About the grant

This grant aims to fund community-based programmes to support mental health and wellbeing.

We will fund projects and activities that improve overall wellbeing and reduce mental ill-health, social isolation and loneliness.

We welcome applications from all kinds of community groups and organisations, from befriending services to book clubs, group learning, gardening, sports, and arts and crafts classes. There is no limit on the size or format of the activities.

All projects should be based in North Somerset, aimed at North Somerset residents and able to go live by 1st July 2023.

Available funding

The total available funding is £45,000, split between children and adult projects. You can apply for up to £10,000.

All application forms and supporting information must be submitted by email to phgrants@n-somerset.gov.uk by 23:59 on 7 February 2023.


This grant scheme is also working in partnership with Wesport, who are contributing funding from the Sport England Together Fund to add to these awards.

Projects with a strong physical activity focus and support people to recover from Covid-19 and the subsequent cost of living crisis will be considered to access funding through this award. These projects will require some additional information, which Wesport will request from applicants if successful at panel.

This funding is available for projects that can start earlier than July because the funding window is shorter. Projects will need to be finished by 30 September 2023 and complete organisational and participant monitoring and evaluation by October 2023.

Multiple grants

You can apply for this grant alongside the social prescribing grants using the same application form. You can also apply for the community food grant, but you will need to submit a separate application.

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