Monitoring and evaluating

We will measure the success of this project using two desired outcomes: the reduction of social isolation and loneliness and the improvement of mental health and wellbeing.

Grant recipients will be asked to measure the impact of their work on participants at their first and last interaction with your project, group, or service, or at quarterly intervals, using the following metrics:

Social isolation and loneliness

‘Thinking about how much contact you’ve had with people you like, which of the following statements best describes your social situation?

  • I have as much social contact as I want with people, I like
  • I have adequate social contact with people
  • I have some social contact with people, but not enough
  • I have little social contact with people and feel socially isolated

Mental health and wellbeing

  • ‘Overall how anxious did you feel yesterday?’ With 0 representing no anxiety and 10 representing extreme anxiety
  • ‘Overall how happy did you feel yesterday?’ With 0 representing not happy at all and 10 representing totally happy

We will ask you to record the number of individuals you support and their demographic information.

We will also ask you to report on any funding or resources you secure to sustain this work beyond the period funded by this grant.

How to measure and show impact

If you are successful, we encourage you to use the templates that will be provided to show the true effect of your project. The templates can be used alongside other evaluation tools such as:

  • focus groups
  • before and after photographs
  • verbal feedback from participants and volunteers/staff
  • participant learning journals

This can provide you with a wider variety of feedback and reveal the broader impacts of the project.

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