Portishead Neighbourhood Plan

The Portishead Neighbourhood Plan was made by North Somerset Council on 19 September 2023. It will be used to help guide development proposals within Portishead.

Portishead Town Council has been working with the community and local businesses to produce a Neighbourhood Plan.

A referendum was held on the plan on Thursday 20 July 2023 and the vote was 87.55% in favour of the neighbourhood plan. 

The declaration of results can be found on our referendum page.


Barbara Maksymiw was appointed as examiner and issued her report on 3 April 2023.

On 26 April, we agreed the examiner's modifications and that the plan should go forward to referendum on Thursday 20 July.

During the examination MS Maksymiw issued two sets of questions for the Town Council and North Somerset Council. These can be found in the examination information.

At the examiner's request, the Town Council submitted a revised figure 14 with an explanatory note and amendments. The examiner requested that a further period of consultation be undertaken on the proposed revisions. You can view the proposed changes and the comments received, as well as North Somerset Council's comments on the proposals, on the consultation webpage. The comments, including North Somerset Council's comments, can also be found below.

The Plan was submitted to North Somerset Council for examination on Monday 8 August. A final period of consultation (Regulation 16) was held from Wednesday 5 October to Friday 18 November. To view comments on the plan, please visit our consultation site.

The examiner will decide whether the plan meets the necessary basic conditions to become a Neighbourhood Plan. You can find out about basic conditions and the process of preparing a neighbourhood plan on the government website.

The Plan went before Executive on 7 September 2022 where it was resolved that the submission meets the necessary criteria to go forward to examination.

The submission documents can also be viewed on the communities Portishead Neighbourhood Plan webpages.