Changes to your travel or application

Updating your application

Change of address

If you have recently changed your address, you will need to submit a new transport application to us. You can do this via on our online form.

We will need to reassess if you are eligible for travel support within your new area.

Changing your details

If you need to change other details on your application, please contact us via email. Our Transport Officers will then advise if a new application form needs to be submitted. 

Transport no longer needed

Please contact our Transport team and let us know if you no longer need transport. We will withdraw your application. 

Home to School Transport team

Changes to your travel

Using a different service

If you have been allocated to a specific service, you will need to use that service.

Each school vehicle has an individual contract number and only pupils issued with a pass or letter of authorisation for that vehicle may travel.

Anyone else will be turned away by the driver. 

If your child is not travelling

If your child will not be travelling on a certain day, for example, you only need to notify us if your child is collected from your home address.

Please inform the operator directly, and the School Transport Team via email. 

Staying at school after hours

If your child needs to remain in school after usual hours, such as for after school clubs, it is the parent/carer’s responsibility to make their own travel arrangements. 

Travel from more than one address

Travel assistance is provided from the child’s permanent home address and their registered school only.

If a child spends time during the school week at more than one address, the address registered with the school will be considered the main address. It is from this location we will determine if you are eligible for travel assistance.

If a parent is not home when a child is dropped off

If a parent or carer is not at home address to receive their children, the driver and/or passenger assistant will complete the route and then try again.

If there is still no one at home, they will contact the school, school transport team and social services where necessary.