Popular maps

Please note, due to an internal issue, you may be unable to view some of our maps if you are using the Firefox browser. We are currently working to fix this. We apologise for any inconvenience. 

These are the most used maps on our website:

planning - shows all applications received (current and decided) and key planning designations.

car park locations – shows where our off-street car parks are

public rights of way – shows the public rights of way that we maintain, such as public footpaths and bridleways, restricted byways and byways open to all traffic

ward map – shows the council ward boundaries for the area

policies map – based on our replacement local plan and includes allocations of land for development, areas where specific policies apply, flood zones, conservation areas and wildlife sites

secondary school priority areas – shows the current catchment areas for secondary schools in the area

winter salting routes – where our gritters salt the roads during winter weather