Independent travel training

Independent travel training offers travel training for young people with special educational needs or disabilities.

Our independent travel trainers work with schools, colleges and resource centres to help young people develop skills that will enable them to access educational and future employment opportunities independently.

What it looks like

Tailored to the unique needs of each participant, the programme includes hands-on training, interactive workshops and practical sessions. Under the guidance of our trainers, participants will learn to: 

  • navigate public transport
  • cross roads safely 
  • make informed decisions while traveling

The programme focuses on giving participants the confidence to overcome challenges and prepare for an independent adulthood. The training aims to help participants feel comfortable and capable in a variety of travel scenarios.

The process

Assessment and planning

The journey begins with an assessment to identify individual needs, strengths and areas for improvement. Our team engages with young people and their support networks to create a tailored training plan.

Skill development

Young people engage in a series of training sessions that cover a range of skills, including: 

  • route planning
  • using public transportation
  • safety measures 

Training is conducted in both controlled environments and real-world settings to ensure practical application.

Practical application

The programme emphasises hands-on learning, with young people gradually applying their skills in real-life situations. Trainers accompany individuals during initial outings, gradually fading support as participants gain confidence and proficiency.

Review and support

Regular progress reviews and ongoing support are integral components of the program. Our team is committed to ensuring the young people continue to build on their skills, with additional support provided as needed.

How to apply

To apply for independent travel training, please complete an application form via the link below.