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EPS training library

Welcome to the Educational Psychology Service online training library. We will be adding new topics to this library based on feedback from schools, preschools, and colleges.

A warm welcome to the EPS library

All of our online training videos are free for education staff and parents in North Somerset. They are between 5 and 9 minutes long and they focus on useful tips for supporting children and young people. 

All videos feature subtitles, which you can turn on or off by clicking the subtitle button on the bottom of the video player.

After watching a training video, please do not forget to complete a feedback form to help guide our future training content.

Early Years Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) module

We have two playlists for educators, parents, and caregivers of children in the Early Years phase of education (0-5 years). Both playlists cover the same topics. 

The first playlist has longer form videos (5-9 minutes) and the second playlist has videos in bitesize form (less than 60 seconds). 

We hope you find these videos useful. Please use the feedback form provided on this page to let us know what we need to improve and what we are doing well.

Get in touch

Please feel free to email us with your comments or questions.