Your Neighbourhood

This consultation is now closed. For results contact the contact named in the following text. For the record, these are the consultation materials.

Have your say

We want North Somerset to be a sustainable and fair place to live, work and visit. 

We want to work with you to create a place where all our residents have the opportunity to access quality education, jobs and housing. 

We want you to get involved and work with us to shape the future of North Somerset and harness the great opportunity we have to achieve more for our people and place.  

As part of this, we are looking at how your neighbourhood services are run and how we can ensure that they are fit for the future. Over the next few months we will be seeking your views on how we deliver a number of these services and where we should focus our future priorities.

The services we are consulting on are: 

  • Garden waste

Help us shape the new garden waste collection service and options for home and community composting.

  • Leisure and sport centres

Help us understand the way North Somerset’s leisure and sport centres are currently used and how you would like to see them used in the future.

  • Libraries

Help us understand what is important to you about our library services and how we can ensure they are fit for the future.

  • Parks and open spaces

As we review our parks and open spaces maintenance contract, help us understand which parks and open spaces you use and how you would like to see them used in the future.

  • Street cleansing

As we review our street cleaning contract, help us shape how it will look in the future.

We are particularly interested in your ideas around how we can work better with you, your local communities and stakeholders to make these valued services as efficient and sustainable as possible. For example by pooling resources, creating delivery partnerships and taking advantage of income generating opportunities.

As well as completing our survey, we are inviting you to take part in a local consultation event to share your thoughts in more detail on your neighbourhood services and your ideas on how we can make them more fit for the future. 

If you need more information, please read our FAQs.

Need more information?

Garden waste FAQs

The way that we deal with waste in North Somerset will make an important contribution to our Climate Emergency Strategy and have a positive impact on the environment through reduced vehicle emissions. Read more...

Leisure and sport centres FAQs

North Somerset Council is producing a Leisure Strategy which will set out the council’s aspirations to ensure high quality sport and leisure facilities and playing pitches are available to local residents to access and will identify the future facility needs. Read more...

Libraries FAQs

The Library Strategy consultation is designed to seek your views on the future of the service and what it offers, to help us shape the best approach for library provision over the next 10 years. Read more...

Parks and open spaces FAQs

Maintaining and investing in parks and open spaces is getting more and more difficult as council budgets become smaller. However, we believe that there are opportunities for innovative approaches to be introduced which could help resolve this and ensure a bright future for our parks and open spaces. Read more...

Street cleansing FAQs

Keeping North Somerset clean is important to local people and crucial to preserving the natural environment. The council has a responsibility to keep land free from litter and refuse as far as reasonably practicable, and individuals have a duty to ensure that they dispose of all waste responsibly and legally. Read more...

Don't miss your chance to get involved

  • Fill in the survey, either online here or by picking up a paper copy in one of our libraries or Gateways (paper copies are limited)
  • Attend a drop-in or public engagement session, details below.


  • Opened
    13 Feb 2020 at 12:00
  • Closed
    7 May 2020 at 23:59
  • Response Published
    31 Aug 2020


Organisational Information

Job role or team to contact for questions Gemma Dando
Job title Assistant Director
Contact Email
Contact Telephone 01275 888248

Project Information

Aim of this consultation To consult on neighbourhood services
Close Date 07 May 2020 23:59
Consultation Topic
  • Business - jobs, new business or factories
  • Communities: including local partnerships, neighbourhoods, equalities, crime and anti-social behaviour
  • Education and early years: including organisation of pre-school and schools, SEND, children’s centres
  • Environment: including rubbish and recycling, climate-related issues, parks and open spaces, footpaths
  • Housing: including home-building*, renting, homelessness
  • Culture and leisure: including libraries, tourism, the built-environment and heritage
  • Children, young people and families: including fostering, transition to adult social services, youth justice
  • Travel and transport: including public transport, active travel, traffic calming and major projects**
  • Policy: including new or changed council policies, strategies or regulations on any topic
Context for this consultation To consult on neighbourhood services