Building your own home

Self or custom build housing

Self build housing is when you organise the design and construction of your own home.

Community self build projects involve a group which is formed either on its own or is brought together by an organisation. The ‘self-builders’ work on each other’s homes until all the units are complete. They can also subdivide a piece of land into plots and organise the construction of their home individually.

If you work with a developer, either as an individual or as part of a group, to help create your own home, it is called custom build housing.

If you’re interested in building your own home, including setting up a self-build group, you can find more information on the Self Build Portal website and the National Custom and Self Build Association website.

You can also apply to join the self build register.

Self build register

We keep a register of people who would like to build their own home, so that we can get an idea of demand in the local area.

You are not making a commitment when you register, we’re just interested in the type and amount of housing that people are interested in building in the area.