Site allocations plan examination: further residential site assessments

Following the examination hearings, on 26 June 2017 the Inspector issued further written guidance relating to the delivery of housing (document ID4). This required us to test the provision of additional housing sites. Our interim response to the Inspector was dated 20 July (document CD2). This included the following proposed timescale for the work.

  • 1 June – landowners and developers contacted for delivery information
  • 20 July – schedule of sites to be assessed published
  • 24 July – site deliverability information published
  • 1 August – site assessments published and comments invited
  • 21 August – closing date for comments from interested parties
  • 5 September – Executive committee to consider response to Inspector’s letter

As each stage is reached, we will update the relevant information on this page.

Landowners and developers contacted for delivery information

Based on the draft list of sites within the development management system that we tabled at the hearings (examination document ED36), we emailed the landowners and developers on 1 June and asked them to complete a deliverability questionnaire for their site.

Schedule of sites to be assessed

On 20 July we published the list of residential sites within the development management system that are to be assessed. Our letter to the Inspector (CD2) sets out that, as discussed at the hearings, we are only assessing sites that are broadly in conformity with the Core Strategy framework.

Site deliverability information

The delivery trajectories provided by developers/landowners are summarised in the deliverability information document below. This document has been added to the examination library as ED44. You can also view the developer’s full questionnaire responses, a combined copy of these have been added to the examination library as ED44a and are also available below. Comments were invited from interested parties on the site delivery information. The deadline for comments at this stage was 21 August 2017.

Site assessments

We have completed assessment templates for all of the sites that are listed in the schedule of sites to be assessed above. The assessment forms look at a sites credentials in terms of suitability, availability, achievability and sustainability.

Comments from interested parties

All comments received on either the deliverability information or the site assessments can be seen below.

Executive committee

The Council’s formal response to the Inspector’s letter of 26 June was considered by Executive Committee on 5 September 2017. You can see a copy of the report that went to the committee below.