Our plans to tackle climate change

After we declared a climate emergency in February 2019, we set to work.

In order to reduce North Somerset's carbon emissions, we recognise the need to make significant changes to the way we live, work, and govern. We see these changes as a unique opportunity to improve our quality of life. This, in turn, will create an area that’s healthier, better to live in and fairer for everyone. 

In November 2019, we published our first climate emergency strategy and action plan, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across North Somerset and improve our resilience in a changing climate. 

Following the successful completion of several projects identified in the original action plan, in November 2022 we adopted a refreshed climate emergency action plan to reflect the next key areas of focus.  

Our action plan will be monitored every six months and updated each year. 


Our climate emergency strategy is owned by a cross-party member working group and they report progress to the Executive.

Our climate emergency action plan is owned by an officer working group and they report progress to our Corporate Leadership Team.

The senior responsible officer for both the strategy and action plan is our Director of Place.

As part of monitoring progress with the action plan, we agreed to bring a progress report to full council every six months.

We are also developing an interactive dashboard so everyone can see how we are progressing against our climate emergency action plan. This will be added to this page in the near future. 

A greener Corporate Plan

We chose the term 'greener' as one of three key themes for our Corporate Plan 2020-24.

This means that we will include climate change as a deciding factor in all policy and strategy decisions going forward.

Climate emergency action plan - priorities and strategies

There are lots of service areas across the council whose work also contributes towards progress with our climate emergency strategy and action plan. Find out more using the links in this index.

Become a net zero council 

  • Carbon Literacy – our plans to roll out Carbon Literacy to staff across our organisation 

Decarbonise transport

Decarbonise the built environment

Low carbon business and skills 

  • Business carbon support – our package of support for local businesses
  • Business support – our dedicated website to support local businesses, including those looking to relocate to North Somerset 

Renewable energy generation 

Resources and waste 

Replenish our carbon stores 


Collaboration and community    

Other relevant strategies and information